Keke Maruwa: The Back borne Of Commuters

Communication oils the wheel of economic growth and societal well being.
If you can move from one place to another then you are home and dry. Remember the lockdown days ?

If on the other hand you can not move from place to place, or at great and or exorbitant costs then it defeats the objective of communication.

In the recent past there has been a call for a ban of Keke and motorcycles. In the case of Keke it is believed that it’s drivers use it to commit crimes. They are also reckless on the road.

Adadainfo discovered that with adequate regulation keke can serve Nigerians well. Some say that their reach is wide.

Adadainfo approached a keke operator by name Sam on his experience. He said that” the business is good but is full of challenges especially if you do not have your own, you labour for the owner.

He also said that” another issue is the dues and levies that we pay to unions yet we don’t hold meetings to discuss our welfare and well-being. We just pay anything that the leaders levy us.

All in all Sam maintains “that it is a good business as some of their operators have migrated to cars like sienna.

Sam however hopes that tomorrow will be better. The watch word for keke operators is to purge themselves of criminal elements in their midst and hold meetings that will make them support each other.

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