Masquerades Hike Transport Fares At Nsukka


By Adadainfo

The cost of transportation from Nsukka to Orba market in Udenu Local Government Area has increased by fifty percent following the imposition of levies by Orba masquades currently displaying.

Our correspodent reports that a ride on Keke that used to be N200 is now N300, while that of Okada climbed from N300 to N400.

A Keke operator, Oko Eze, told our correspodent that, “Once it is 2pm daily, we effect the increase because the akatakpa masquades levy us heavily. They cluster in groups and force us to pay.

“The least they collect is N100, and you can meet over ten or more of such groups.”

Another operator, Ozioko, said, “Some of us now ride through Eha-Alumona, which is double of the original distance. That’s why the fare increased.”

Meanwhile, some residents of the area say the activities of the masquades are becoming adverse.

Our correspodent was told that, “Some of the masquades get drunk and do beat passengers, especially okada passengers.

The source said, “Without provocation, they take offence and start beating some people, especially when such riders refuse to give them moneyor refuse to stop.”

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